Project Team
The Project Team is supported by a Steering Committee, NEFSC’s Offshore Wind Working Group, and continued engagement with stakeholders representing wind and fishery science, management, and industry.
Principal Investigators (PIs)
Dr. Gavin Fay, UMassD-SMAST
Andrew Lipsky, NEFSC
Philip Politis, NEFSC
Project Team
Dr. Catherine Foley, NEFSC
Dr. Kathryn Ford, NEFSC
Madeleine Guyant, UMassD-SMAST
Elizabeth McGovern, NEFSC
Angelia Miller, UMassD-SMAST
Dr. Cate O’Keefe, Fishery Apps
Catalina Roman, UMassD-SMAST
Steering Committee
Doug Christel, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO)
Dr. Kathryn Ford, NEFSC
Jim Gartland, Virgina Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)
Ursula Howson, BOEM
Dr. Michael Pol, Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA)
Dr. David Secor, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)
Dr. Michael Sissenwine, Northeast Fishery Management Council (NEFMC)